Wednesday 13 January 2016


Cleared – In order to be able to distribute your film in public, you must have official permission to use any content that appears in your film, such as brand names, logos, stock footage, images, music and script.

A film clearance is the development of the permission being requested/granted for different aspects of a film production. This can include various brands, posters, music, actors & extras, sets, products & brands, books and photographs. Film clearance is effective for gaining trademark or insurance matters. Overall, clearances can be categorized into three different sections, such as property, people and locations.

Clearances checklist:

Script Clearances: Scripts should not include identifiable characters that resemble an existing person unless they have written clearance permission granting them access to do so. If permission is not given from the person, then the characters must have fictional names and must not completely represent the real life individual both visually and characteristically. The same applies for real events, ideally permission must be granted in order to base events in the film on real life occurrences.

Content Clearances: Any pictures, artwork, clips & footage, music, photography, logos/product & brands and designs must be cleared before appearing in a film.

Music Clearances: Any published or original music included in the film must be cleared.

Actor’s/Contributor’s Clearances: All actors and extras that appear in the film must have a consented signed clearance agreement signed by the location manager.

Location Agreement: Any use of locations that are to be appeared in the film must have a clearance permission.

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