Thursday 10 March 2016


Deadlines – It is important to keep up to date with deadlines as it can majorly impact the performance of others or quality of a product. In production, others often rely on you to meet your deadlines so therefore all work must be completed before the given date. If work or content is overdue, then this can cost the industry/network more money.

     Shooting; On the 1st day of filming of production, all pre-production work must be finalised before the specific date. You must also be certain of when the last day of filming is in order for all footage to be secured.

Picture Lock; Picture Lock is a period in editing a production where all cutting has been officially confirmed. This phase is prior to the stage where any online editing and audio mixing is applied.

Sound Lock; Sound Lock refers to the editing of the sound levels in a film production in order to include a more defined sound used by a programming software. After this phase, music is incorporated.

Music; Music is used to match and enhance certain moods and scenes of a film. In a production, music can be a tool used to:
-       Create an atmosphere
-       Convey emotions of characters
-       Refer to certain time periods/ages
-       Link scenes together

Visual Effects; Visual Effects are used to enhance ordinary visuals on a film that is difficult or impossible to film individually. In order to add in visual effects, such as for a crash scene, a specific yet costly system is required in order to make it look realistic and professional.

Sound Mixing; Sound Mixing, a phase in post-production, is the process of a range of sounds being collated into one or more channels.

Colour Correction; Colour Correction is the process of editing the colour on a film or video, which may have been shot at slightly different times of day or seasons, in order to it to be improved or matched to make the scenes look continuous.


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