Thursday 28 April 2016


In order to find the appropriate props for your short film, you must have a clear understanding of what genre your film is. Knowing this will enable you to have a specific desire for the type of prop hire you are looking for. 

My first choice for a company is Keeley Hire. They are a fairly popular company who specialize in a range of props suitable for films of different genres and for different rooms, they also have a range of medical and school equipment available for hire. I believe this company will be more suitable for my short film as they have a range of props that are required for my film.

Event Prop Hire is also another popular company in the UK who specialize in props and furniture hire. They provide props for different decades, cultures, locations and occasions. This company is a very useful source as they have props available for a wide range of genres and settings for parties and films. 

Tuesday 19 April 2016


All products involved in a production must be cleared as well. This includes logos and brands, therefore it is ideal to use made up brands in order to avoid the lengthy process of getting the brands cleared as well as being put at the risk of facing legal issues. 

If you do choose to include branded products in your production, then the audience can identify that there will be brands through seeing the Product Placement (P) logo before viewing the production. 

Thursday 14 April 2016

Trade Unions

A trade union is an organisation that represents workers in a certain field, aiming to protecting their rights. 

Producers' Alliance for Cinema and Television (PACT)

PACT work together in order to ensure that producers receive the most of their rights. 
PACT also aim to find and provide fair training opportunities for aspiring producers all over the United Kingdom, to provide them with the opportunity to build international businesses.
PACT represents the interests of a range of different media companies including television, film, digital and animation.

National Union of Journalists (NUJ)

NUJ represents aspiring journalists and anyone who works to promote media, in order for them to receive the rights they deserve such as standard pay and fair working conditions.
NUJ is represented all over the United Kingdom, Ireland and some parts of Europe.
NUJ's website lists particular job roles that classes as journalism, therefore they meet the criteria to become a member.

These job roles can include critics, court reporters, journalists, newspaper editors, commentators, freelance writers, reporters, sports writers and political correspondents. 

Broadcasting Entertainment, Cinematograph and Theatre Union (BECTU)

BECTU is a media and entertainment trade union in the United Kingdom that covers theatre arts, film, independent production and digital media.
BECTU represents the rights, including the pay, safety and working conditions, of workers in the film and media industry. 
BECTU also provide training for its members for those who want to develop their career further in the industry. 
Through BECTU, workers are protected and are professionally advised on career choices as well as providing them with networks.
BECTU's website also provides standard pay rates for workers in the media and theatre industries in order to provide basic knowledge as to how much staff members should be getting paid, which can be determined by their position in the job role, how many hours they are working per day and what type of production they are working for.

British Board of Film Classification

The British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) is a self-funded organisation that does not provide services for profit. The BBFC decides the age rating of a film depending on its general theme as well as content including scenes of violence/horror, sex/nudity and drug use.

The BBFC's main aims include protecting the public, those of who are underage, from viewing any distressing scenes that may be too severe or harmful for their age category. This is why age ratings are introduced to target the film to the appropriate age group.

My short film may receive less views due to the themes being about peer pressure and drug use, however my short film will not include scenes of severe intake of drugs.  

Wednesday 13 April 2016



Ofcom is the communications regulator in the United Kingdom. Ofcom regulates the TV, radio & video, fixed line telecoms, postal services and mobile phones.
Ofcom ensures that citizens in the United Kingdom receive standard communication services whilst being protected from scams.

Ofcom is funded through Government grants as well as by fees from industry for regulating broadcasting and communications networks.

Ofcom's main duties include:

  • Ensuring that the United Kingdom receives fast working communications services, e.g. broadband.
  • Citizens are provided with a range of television and radio programmes that are of high quality. 
  • Viewers and listeners are protected from offensive material on the radio and television.
  • Protecting people's privacy from being invaded on television and radio.
  • To ensure the radio spectrum is used in the most effective way.
Ofcom are responsible for protecting viewers from viewing any material in films that may be too mature for their age category, including horrors or crime films. This is where Ofcom can put an age rating for who can view the film.

Contact List

Rhys Painter
Director of Photography
Varshini Yogaeswaran
Harry Bilk
Josh Bateman
Ryan Smith
Sound Recordist

Sunday 10 April 2016


In film making, it is crucial that you have insurance as it is required in case anything happens to the equipment or production crew whilst working. However, insuring all of your equipment may be difficult due to having a low budget.

The following should be covered:


Before hiring equipment it is ideal that you research into the cost of how much it would be to insure them if any damages were to happen or if they were to be stolen.This may be a little over budget for a short film but it is more safe and cheaper than entirely replacing the equipment if it were to be stolen. However theft may not be covered in the insurance, therefore if the equipment were to be stolen the production team would be held responsible due to leaving the equipment unattended.


If footage is damaged or lost, insurance cover will enable the production team to re-shoot the footage they lost. Although time schedules will be majorly affected, the production company will be given extended deadlines or more funding to complete it.

Props and Sets Insurance

If a lot of props are included in your film, then it is ideal that you are covered for what you hire in case anything gets damaged or stolen. Then your budget would not increase due to replacing stolen props and extending deadlines. 

Employers Liability

If any members of the production team become ill, injured or a sudden death occurs, then they are covered and their relatives will receive compensation. This covers incidents that occur both in and out of work.

Public Liability

If any injuries or damages to props occur on set, or even anyone who is not within the production team, the company is covered which protects them against facing any major fines. 


Copyright protects an individuals' piece of work, this restricts anyone from reproducing or copying their material. This can protect content such as books, music, photographs, films or sound recordings. The owner will be protected for a certain number of years in which they are allowed to publish their material in any form they like while still maintaining their rights.

All possible hazards on set should be taken into consideration, therefore it is important that health and safety is made a priority and the risks are as minimal as possible. There should be a member of staff who ensures that the set is as clear of risks as much possible through carrying out regular checks and risk assessments.

Similar procedures apply when scouting for a location to film; identify possible risks and hazards must be assessed, who is more is more likely to be exposed to them, and then find ways to prevent/control these hazards from happening. 

The Health & Safety Commission help identify any potential risks and hazards and find different methods of preventing them.


Performing Rights Society (PRS) represents an individuals' piece of music and their rights whenever it is played or performed in a public place, such as on television, online, shops, restaurants and bars, concerts, public events or on the radio. Every time this occurs the composer of the piece of music is paid a royalty fee.

Songwriters and composers, once licensed with PRS, rights are protected as payments are distributed to and from PRS frequently from its members and those who use the music. 

Mechanical Copyright Protection Society (MCPS) also represent its members whenever their work is reproduced physically, which can be on CD's or online. 

MCPS and PRS have joined together so that the original owners of their piece of music are fully protected in every case. Therefore production companies must get the owners, or those who represent them, to give them consent so that they can include their content in their production with written permission. The rightful owner would then receive a royalty fee as well as some recognition as to who composed the piece. This then protects the production company from any legal issues with the individual if they were to not receive permission.

Clearances are required when you want to include brands, photographs, brands or music in your production. Therefore, you must have written consent from the owners of the content before you can use them. Otherwise, including content without permission can result in legal action taking place such as a fine or being sued from the companies or original owners. 
The same applies for gaining permission for filming on public locations or houses, as written consent must be given by higher authorities or the owner of the location.
All actors must also sign release forms agreeing to participate in the production, in order to protect the production company from legal action which may restrict filming. 

Costume Materials

Costume designers hire and create the costumes for all actors in a production, they are required to make sure the actors' costumes enhance the portrayal of the time period/location in the production.
There is an option of having costumes produced in house, which is within the production team, as it is less time consuming and possibly cheaper.

Costume designers are required to have a wide knowledge and experience of designing and working with different textiles. 

Having creative design skills, working effectively in teams and the knowledge of different fashion periods as well as the willingness to research more into history is essential for this role in order for the production's interpretation of the story to be as accurate as possible. 

Sound Library Materials

Sound libraries are useful as it can help save time by using sound effects that have been created by another source, rather than creating your own. There are many sound libraries available online that can provide you with many different tracks, however some libraries you must pay for.

Finding good sound libraries online that are free takes time as some tracks may not always be the best quality. 

 is an online sound library that offers a range of sound effects created by professionals that requires you to pay for each track you purchase. Although you have to pay, their tracks are of high quality which is more likely worth the money rather than spending a considerate amount of time finding free tracks that are high quality. 
 is another sound library, whereas all its tracks are free to use. Although this may be an advantage due to my production having a low budget, the sound effects are not as good as you would get if you were to pay for them, which could impact how my production turns out.

Friday 8 April 2016


After looking at the rates BECTU (Broadcasting, Entertaining, Cinematography and Theatre Union) have provided me, I have found out the recommended daily/weekly rates of crew working 10 hour days, 6 days a week. 

Camera Operator

Lighting Camera


Sound Recordist


After looking at the rates BECTU (Broadcasting, Entertaining, Cinematography and Theatre Union) have provided me, I have found out the recommended daily/weekly rates of crew working 10 hour days, 6 days a week. 

Camera Operator

Lighting Camera


Sound Recordist

Facility Houses

A facility house is a company where you can hire production equipment and crew from. Here are some facility houses and what they have to offer:

Maniac Films
- Crew Hire
- Camera Equipment
- Lighting

Mutiny Media
- Camera Equipment
- Sound Equipment
- Lighting

Bluefin Television
- Camera Crew Hire
- Editing
- Camera, Sound & Lighting Hire


Different companies can offer different prices, most often day or weekly rates, to rent out their equipment. 

Having a low budget for your production means that you must find equipment that are of a good standard and are at an adequate price, therefore you must make the most of each day you hire the equipment for. 

Here is an example of daily rates for some cameras provided by different companies:

Canon EOS 5D MKIII - £64 (excl. VAT)
Canon EOS C300 MKII - £200
Arri Alexa - £300
Red Scarlet - W - £300


Maniac Films' website states that they must book for the collection of their equipment a week in advance, which means that I must create accurate schedules of when and how long I will be needing each equipment. 
Some other companies may have different policies that require you to drop off the equipment personally, which can impact the amount of time you have.

Thursday 7 April 2016


Facility houses allow you to hire a range of production equipment from their companies:

- Mutiny Media
- Maniac Films

Each company can provide you with different types of equipment, Mutiny Media can also provide you with an editing suite, whereas Maniac Films can provide you with a crew to hire. These companies have staff who are experienced with this type of equipment who can assist you and any issues you have as they hold a larger knowledge and experience with the equipment itself. 

Facility Hire

Facility houses can be beneficial for me considering that I may need equipment for only a short period of time, therefore they can provide me with the required equipment for the days I need them. Prior to hiring equipment, creating schedules and deadlines for what equipment I need and when will help me with my budgeting as well as save time.

Another benefit to using facility houses is that some companies offer to hire some of their crew who have some experience, who can help with the function of the equipment in case there are any issues.