Thursday 14 April 2016

Trade Unions

A trade union is an organisation that represents workers in a certain field, aiming to protecting their rights. 

Producers' Alliance for Cinema and Television (PACT)

PACT work together in order to ensure that producers receive the most of their rights. 
PACT also aim to find and provide fair training opportunities for aspiring producers all over the United Kingdom, to provide them with the opportunity to build international businesses.
PACT represents the interests of a range of different media companies including television, film, digital and animation.

National Union of Journalists (NUJ)

NUJ represents aspiring journalists and anyone who works to promote media, in order for them to receive the rights they deserve such as standard pay and fair working conditions.
NUJ is represented all over the United Kingdom, Ireland and some parts of Europe.
NUJ's website lists particular job roles that classes as journalism, therefore they meet the criteria to become a member.

These job roles can include critics, court reporters, journalists, newspaper editors, commentators, freelance writers, reporters, sports writers and political correspondents. 

Broadcasting Entertainment, Cinematograph and Theatre Union (BECTU)

BECTU is a media and entertainment trade union in the United Kingdom that covers theatre arts, film, independent production and digital media.
BECTU represents the rights, including the pay, safety and working conditions, of workers in the film and media industry. 
BECTU also provide training for its members for those who want to develop their career further in the industry. 
Through BECTU, workers are protected and are professionally advised on career choices as well as providing them with networks.
BECTU's website also provides standard pay rates for workers in the media and theatre industries in order to provide basic knowledge as to how much staff members should be getting paid, which can be determined by their position in the job role, how many hours they are working per day and what type of production they are working for.

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