Sunday 10 April 2016


In film making, it is crucial that you have insurance as it is required in case anything happens to the equipment or production crew whilst working. However, insuring all of your equipment may be difficult due to having a low budget.

The following should be covered:


Before hiring equipment it is ideal that you research into the cost of how much it would be to insure them if any damages were to happen or if they were to be stolen.This may be a little over budget for a short film but it is more safe and cheaper than entirely replacing the equipment if it were to be stolen. However theft may not be covered in the insurance, therefore if the equipment were to be stolen the production team would be held responsible due to leaving the equipment unattended.


If footage is damaged or lost, insurance cover will enable the production team to re-shoot the footage they lost. Although time schedules will be majorly affected, the production company will be given extended deadlines or more funding to complete it.

Props and Sets Insurance

If a lot of props are included in your film, then it is ideal that you are covered for what you hire in case anything gets damaged or stolen. Then your budget would not increase due to replacing stolen props and extending deadlines. 

Employers Liability

If any members of the production team become ill, injured or a sudden death occurs, then they are covered and their relatives will receive compensation. This covers incidents that occur both in and out of work.

Public Liability

If any injuries or damages to props occur on set, or even anyone who is not within the production team, the company is covered which protects them against facing any major fines. 

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