Sunday 10 April 2016


Copyright protects an individuals' piece of work, this restricts anyone from reproducing or copying their material. This can protect content such as books, music, photographs, films or sound recordings. The owner will be protected for a certain number of years in which they are allowed to publish their material in any form they like while still maintaining their rights.

All possible hazards on set should be taken into consideration, therefore it is important that health and safety is made a priority and the risks are as minimal as possible. There should be a member of staff who ensures that the set is as clear of risks as much possible through carrying out regular checks and risk assessments.

Similar procedures apply when scouting for a location to film; identify possible risks and hazards must be assessed, who is more is more likely to be exposed to them, and then find ways to prevent/control these hazards from happening. 

The Health & Safety Commission help identify any potential risks and hazards and find different methods of preventing them.

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